Sunday, April 6, 2014

Attitude Of Graditude

 I have deliberately chosen over the lat year to change the way I think. I have chosen to find good in every day no matter what. There are so many rotten things in each day I could focus on, but why? Why waste my energy on negative thinking? I have wasted too much time on it already. Guess what? It doesn't work! Nothing changes, you just make yourself sick as grandma used to say.  So I am choosing to be thankful for what I have, and where I am in life.

A few things I am thankful for

My Faith in The Lord Jesus  It literally has sustained me over the last year.

My loving understanding husband who is patient beyond belief and always gives and gives.

My Kids,They give me so much joy.

Family and friends.

I have an awesome view out my back door, I have so many blessings in my life when I stop for a moment and think about them.  It is so easy to get caught up worrying about Money or illness. Or name whatever your biggest worry is the thing that consumes your thoughts. Can you change it by worrying?  Hasn't worked for me. I have decided to do what I can, be deliberate. Think how can I change this problem? Is there something I can do about it? I pray about everything and leave it in the Lord's hands. Yes, I am guilty of taking it back up again but I am training my self to give it back and leave it. I am tired of trying to fix my problems. I can't fix them. He can. What I can do is stop saying I can't do this or that about things I can change. Often when we say I can't change, what we really mean is I won't change. If we believe in Jesus the Bible teaches us "I can do all things through Christ Who Strengthens me. Phillipians 4:13 I think we can change a negative way of thinking to positive if we try to make an effort.

I will warn you it isn't easy, nothing worth doing is easy. The temptation to fall back in the old thought patterns is a daily struggle. I can do it though if I keep my eyes on the author and finisher of my faith.

Saturday, April 5, 2014


I love Spring! Is there anyone who doesn't? Everything that has been dormant is coming back up or leafing out. The flowers are beginning to bloom and swallows come back and make their nests under the eaves of the barn. I love watching the bees travel from flower to flower and the hummingbirds visiting the feeder.

I also love preparing the garden again for another season. Starting seeds and Spreading compost and pulling weeds. It is all part of the cycle.  What are your favorite seasons?